
At Buxton School, homework activities are an important part of our home/school partnership and all children are expected to take part in a variety of homework tasks to enhance and support their work in class.

Our approach to homework is designed to:

  • Encourage children to develop organisational skills and self- discipline;
  • Bridge the gap between home and school to provide parents and carers with direct involvement in their learning;
  • Develop children’s independent learning skills;
  • Personalise learning and developing children’s self-motivation and self-confidence;
  • Consolidate and reinforce skills and knowledge in all subjects;
  • Provide a great opportunity to rehearse and practice key skills learnt in class.

Primary classes will have homework set that they can do independently. This can be either subject or project based and will be relevant to the topic of study.  Pupils’ ability to independently study is a lifelong learning skill and we believe that homework should ignite interest and encourage personal curiosity.

It is expected that Secondary departments regularly set homework as appropriate to their subject. Subject leaders will decide how often homework should be set in their subject and what students are expected to do.

Not all homework will require extended writing; students might be asked to read something, do some research, plan a task to be attempted in the next lesson, complete something started in a previous lesson or to catch up work that has been missed or not done well enough.

Satchel One (previously known as Show my Homework) is a resource that is used in Years 1-11 to enable pupils, parents and teachers to communicate and track homework tasks. 

Not all homework is done at home. For some pupils who find it hard to work at home, or for some tasks which may require resources (books, software, equipment) more readily available at school, it is necessary or desirable to carry out the task at school. We run an after-school homework club for Years 7 to 11 which is supervised and provides ICT facilities to enable pupils to complete their homework.

Parents are encouraged to contact the school through the pupil planner or via the Class Teacher (primary phase) or Year Leader (secondary phase) if they have concerns of any aspect of homework

Homework is monitored by heads of department and other school leaders as part of ongoing scrutiny and quality assurance measures

Primary Phase.pdf


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