Behaviour, Attendance & Welfare

Behaviour and Welfare

Our pastoral support team provides focused academic and pastoral support, targeting students at risk of underachieving or exclusion, who may be vulnerable and who are facing barriers to learning.  At the heart of our approach is our intention that all members of the school community are encouraged to build, maintain and repair positive relationships.

Students requiring such support and intervention are identified by pastoral teams and teaching staff via pupil planning meetings. Sometimes this includes the use of behaviour support plans to improve students’ learning, behaviour, and social and emotional wellbeing.

The team also works closely with parents and carers, teaching staff and a wide range of external agencies so that students receive timely, targeted support.

Attendance and Punctuality

Buxton School believes that for students to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend school every day.  The School aims to provide an environment which enables and encourages all members of the community to reach their full potential.  Students should be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.  It is very important that parents/carers make sure that students attend all of the time. 

As a school we are striving to achieve an overall attendance that exceeds both local and national averages and continues to improve from year to year.  

Any regular absence will seriously affect a child's learning. Evidence has proven that there is a direct link between a student’s attendance and attainment  – students who miss large amounts of school do not achieve as well as those who attend regularly.  Poor attendance habits follow through from secondary school into employment.  Schools are frequently asked for attendance and lateness percentages when writing references for students who are applying for higher education.


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