Secondary PSHE
PSHE / RSHE lessons are delivered weekly in EYFS – KS3 and fortnightly in KS4. We are using the 'Jigsaw' scheme for its all through spiral approach, emphasis on mindfulness and its ability to connect content to the children's lives with the wider world.
Throughout the year, students complete six units: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships, and Changing Me. Each unit builds on the previous year's learning, allowing children to clearly see their progress and identify their next steps. All content is presented in an age-appropriate manner and tailored to the children's developmental stages.
Our lessons feature a six-part structure, beginning with mindfulness and incorporating time for reflection. A variety of games and activities are utilised to ensure every child feels included and engaged, fostering a strong sense of belonging and team spirit within the class. This comprehensive approach to PSHE / RSHE education equips our students with the essential skills and knowledge to thrive in their personal, social, and academic lives.