food tech

Food Preparation and Nutrition and DT

Course Overview


This course aims to build on KS3 skills and to develop pupils understanding and practice of working with and presenting food. Pupils will develop knowledge of food and nutrition, preparation and cooking, presenting, serving, costing and a wide range of other factors allied to safe and healthy preparation of a wide range of food products.

This subject has a high practical content and aspects of Biology and Home Economics.

Skills required / Pupil expectations

A desire to work with, cook and eat food is essential as is the acknowledgement that a course with a high practical assessment content is a serious undertaking, in addition- If you choose Food Preparation and Nutrition you will have to take responsibility for ingredients and the transportation of food products. In addition pupils should have a memory stick at all times.

Assessment: Coursework or final exam

  • 50% coursework 
  • 50% final exam 

Suitable careers

Many exciting opportunities at all levels in the catering, food and retail industries.

Further study opportunities 

AS, A2, GNVQ/ VCE Level, Catering

If pupils choose Food Preparation and Nutrition they must be prepared to bring in ingredients and cook once a week.

Exam Board


Design Technology

Course Overview:

The course is a mixture of practical and theory; roughly 60% of the lesson time is spent on practical work. You will study and develop skills in the production and presentation of 2D and 3D images and products. You will be working with a variety of materials such as paper, card, modelling foam, etc. You will learn how to produce drawings; designs and products using both traditional and computer based skills.

Skills required / Pupil expectations

  • A broad minded approach to product design and manufacture.
  • A high degree of designing, presentation and evaluation skills.
  • A desire and ability produce and develop products.
  • Determination and perseverance.
  • A memory stick at all times.


The course will be assessed through a combination of NEA (Non-Examination Assessment) and written exam.

Suitable careers

Advertising and Marketing, Engineering, Brand development, Publishing, product design, architecture and interior design, construction and building services; motor vehicle – technology and repair.

Further study opportunities 

AS/ A2 level, Degree, Apprenticeships

Exam Board


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